
This section will explain how to enable Access Control on Rancher using Fiware Lab as the provider, and how to authenticate with it.

Enabling Access Control through the UI

Enabling Access Control with the new Fiware auth provider goes the same way as activating Github. Once the Rancher server instance is up, under the admin tab one can find Access Control, choose Fiware as the provider, and fill in client ID and Secret Key, as well as the redirect URI. This last field should correspond to the callback URI entered in Rancher, which in turn should take the form:


Enabling Access Control through the API

To activate Access Control from the API rather than the UI we can send a configuration to the API endpoint http://rancher-host:8080/v1-auth/config. The configuration takes the form of a JSON, for example:

 "fiwareconfig": {...}

Fiwareconfig is a JSON object that matches the configuration defined in the Auth Service, for instance:

"clientId": “CLIENT_ID”,
"clientSecret": "CLIENT_SECRET”,
"redirecturi": "http://localhost:8080/"

Note that enabling Access Control via the API doesn’t automatically set admins, as only the first user to access Rancher before Access Control is enabled automatically becomes the admin. The easiest solution would be to create API keys to access the API as that initial (anonymous) admin user, activate Access Control, and use those keys to give admin privileges to other selected users accessing Rancher afterwards.